Wednesday, Oct. 12th from 6p-8p
Surgery & Bracing Are not the only options!!!
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The Facts:
* Scoliosis decreases life expectancy by 14 yrs
* Since 1991, countries outside of the U.S. have abandoned bracing due to it's ineffectiveness
* 40% of patients who undergo surgical rod placement will end up "severely handicapped"
* Scoliosis progresses throughout adulthood
* Since 1991, countries outside of the U.S. have abandoned bracing due to it's ineffectiveness
* 40% of patients who undergo surgical rod placement will end up "severely handicapped"
* Scoliosis progresses throughout adulthood
Specific care protocols have been developed to IMPROVE curves and your life!
Any postural distortion tells us which way your spine shifts (like scoliosis sideways or front to back), and where the kinks are in your spinal cord, which shuts down the nerve energy to the vital organs of your body leading to disease and infirmity.
If left untreated, scoliosis has very dangerous long-term effects. If you or anyone you care about is suffering with scoliosis, please join us... it may save your life!
Note: The red line shows where the spine should be.
*Pre and Post Xrays for a 71 year old male*
*Pre and Post Xrays for a 11 year old male*