Do you have to continue to manage the blood sugar problems or is there an option to get rid of the problem? Dr. Shan Hager explains his viewpoint and clinical experience on improving and correcting Diabetes that defies traditional theories and thoughts.
He explains, “Diabetes Type I and Type II has long been thought to be a disease that stays with you all of your life; with the emerging research, this is completely not true. In other words, it is important to understand that just managing Diabetes still leaves you susceptible for other health problems.” Dr. Hager continues, “We need to understand that Type I and Type II Diabetes is a bit complex when someone has multiple imbalances i.e. thyroid hormones, sex hormones or adrenal hormones. We must consider the nerve control to the pancreas which often times gets disrupted or the inflammatory process ending in an autoimmune Type I Diabetes. Multiple systems work together and need to be considered.”
Whether it be diet, exercise, hormone imbalance, decreased nerve control of the pancreas or an intense inflammatory response leading to autoimmunity one truly needs to find the cause. It sounds like there may be other contributing factors that need to be evaluated as well. Many of these factors seem to be in the details not commonly known or shared by doctors.
Dr. Hager says, “The current medical research states that diabetic medication today has an excessive increase risk of heart disease. I agree and it is unwise to take medications that have such a high risk of other treacherous health problems. Especially considering Diabetes can be improved if not eliminated by other means.” With that being said, he emphasizes, one should exercise extreme caution before taking medicines that may harm many areas of the body; especially, the vital organs.
It seems, once you find the problem causing diabetes and address that problem along with any of the complicating factors, one would have a better chance improving their health and enjoying life again. Dr. Hager adds, “We simply have to find out where it is and what it is. We need to step back, evaluate the problem and stop throwing solutions at the unknown cause of high blood sugar as this is just an outward expression of what is truly going on. This is analogous to the tip of an iceberg. The current medical research suggesting that Diabetes is a risk factor for numerous diseases and if evaluated thoroughly the cause and other factors can be eliminated; therefore, following the traditional theory of just being able to maintain these disease processes poses a great risk to your health.”
Dr. Hager says that while diet, exercise and stress management are key factors, there can be other details that most people are unaware of. There can also be many other areas in the body that can be involved in the overall change in blood sugar.
He gives an example, “One of the compensation mechanisms is that of breaking down muscle to help your body increase blood sugar. You might say, ‘WOW how can the body break down its own muscle?’ Simple, is typically my response. The current medical research states that if you don’t consume good wholesome food within an average of about three hours then your body goes into a starvation mode. During this starvation mode your body releases the most readily available source of blood sugar from your liver and your muscles. Your brain needs a constant steady flow of energy from your blood sugar and once the liver and muscle stores have been used your brain needs to secure a steady source; therefore, it starts breaking down muscle. This raises blood sugar levels above normal limits. This in turn causes an equal to greater release of insulin from the pancreas. Insulin helps drop blood sugar, thus contributing to the increased need to break down more muscle to feed the body’s demand. The next time you eat food your body stores it as fat, yes – any food, even a salad.”
He further explains, “Due to the crucial role in blood sugar regulation and healing, the process of healing and repair has been greatly reduced. There have been a number of medical research articles describing how blood sugar imbalances can hinder many body processes.”
Dr. Hager sets a high standard of care, which seeks to discover the source of diabetes and to treat that; for example, if one suffers from weight gain, hormonal imbalance, thyroid problems, memory decline, digestion disturbances, toxicity symptoms like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue, chronic colds/flu’s or an old injury that hasn’t completely healed. Dr. Hager notes, “These are a few good places to start looking for the problem.”
He mentions, “I realize that Diabetes is a terrible disease if it is not properly controlled; however, medications may control the blood sugar; all the while, the problem still lurks and is furthering damage. My quest is for each individual person to be able to properly control their blood sugar on their own without dependence. I realize this goes against some doctors systems of belief,” Dr. Hager further explains, “After thoroughly researching the possibilities, it is very clear that we, as a society, no longer have to suffer from this disease called Diabetes. I am certainly not alone in my observations, research and clinical experience. There are more and more doctors that are reading the emerging scientific data regarding both types of Diabetes.”
From Dr. Hager, it seems Diabetes is not a lost hope disease and that it is not simply Genetic as formerly thought. His treatment appears to align with natural therapies that will address the underlying problem. He works very thoroughly with other doctors to assist in reducing unnecessary and harmful medications.
Dr. Shan Hager, is an enthusiastic and passionate doctor specializing in lifestyle disorders such as Diabetes. He built his Longmont practice, Answers To Health, LLC, in 2003.
Join Dr. Shan as he presents on the research and details behind his findings!
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