What did you eat today? You might be shocked at what you learn!
out the details behind what foods break down your body, kill cells and
inhibit your ability to heal, repair & even lose weight.
what the research says and how certain foods you eat can be
contributing to many of the health problems you/or your friends and
family suffer with - many of them you may find surprising!
Aug. 17th at 10am310 Lashley Street, Ste 107, Longmont
Register at - 720.340.4435
“In my early
20’s I started having many health problems. After visiting countless
medical professionals and being labeled/diagnosed with many disorders
and diseases I was becoming very depressed. I knew there had to be
something I could do, but the doctors kept telling me that there was
nothing that would help.
a year later I started learning about many of the details behind the
food I was eating. Within a couple of months after making some small
changes, many of my symptoms were gone – I was shocked! I would have
considered myself to be a pretty healthy eater, but I quickly learned it
wasn’t only about what I was eating… but what was in the food that I
didn’t even know about. I had no idea that many of the problems I had
been suffering with were directly tied to my diet.” (31, Female)
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