Answers! has a team of very talented medical professionals that treat the underlying cause of an illness rather than just the symptoms. Answers! knows that understanding the three T’s – traumas, toxins, and thoughts – is essential to uncovering how a healthy body becomes ill suddenly or over time. Unlike many other practices, patients who choose Answers! will benefit from individualized care and extensive face-to-face communications with the doctor. The doctors at Answers! have been trained in a variety of specialties and know that the body is more than just the sum of its parts.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

MUST READ ASAP! is the cover of the 130-page document link which explains in detail why the American Cancer Society may be far more interested in accumulating cash than curing any disease. The ACS has close ties to the mammography industry, the cancer drug industry, and the pesticide industry.

It is riddled with conflict of interest.

And in fact, according to the report, the ACS has a reckless, if not criminal record on cancer prevention. Over and over again, they have promoted drugs and screening while ignoring environmental causes.

The report states, in part:

"The ACS ... [has] long continued to devote virtually exclusive priority to research on diagnosis and treatment of cancer, with indifference to prevention, other than faulty personal lifestyle, commonly known as 'blame the victim,' ... Not surprisingly, the incidence of cancer over past decades has escalated".

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