Answers! has a team of very talented medical professionals that treat the underlying cause of an illness rather than just the symptoms. Answers! knows that understanding the three T’s – traumas, toxins, and thoughts – is essential to uncovering how a healthy body becomes ill suddenly or over time. Unlike many other practices, patients who choose Answers! will benefit from individualized care and extensive face-to-face communications with the doctor. The doctors at Answers! have been trained in a variety of specialties and know that the body is more than just the sum of its parts.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Many Health Problems Begin in Childhood

Many health problems begin in childhood and develop gradually due to vital growth and developmental stages that were missed. Right from birth, your child's health is subjected to daily stresses. The birth process is one of the most traumatic experiences many of us will ever go through. An infant's neck must be bent one way and then the other in order to pass through the birth canal or even be delivered through the small incision made during a c-section birth. This can leave a baby's neck with misalignments that shut down nerve energy from freely flowing through to the rest of the body. This restriction can lead to torticollis (head is tilted to one side predominately), colic, autism, constipation, rashes (eczema), walking too soon, not sleeping through the night and bottom scooting, just to name a few.

"The Nervous System Controls and Coordinates all the Systems of the Body and Relates the Individual to Their Environment" Gray's Anatomy, 24th edition, pg.4

Our nervous system is also referred to as our life energy. Our life energy starts in the brain. The brain sends strength and energy down through your spinal cord like a river to all the vital organs of your body. Each one of your organs is 100% DEPENDENT on that nerve energy to keep you alive and healthy.

For this reason it is crucial to evaluate the nervous system. Through easy, pain-free testing procedures we are able to find and detect where health problems are coming from. Once we find the cause, then the proper treatment can be applied and the body can heal and repair. Fortunately, infants and children heal and repair much faster then adults.

4 month old – Suffered with constant spitting up
Before 9:03am ------------------After 9:10am

“My 3 years old suffered from Asthma. He had trouble breathing and sleeping at night. He had even been hospitalized for Asthma attacks. After being seen by Dr. Shan he started sleeping though the night! He has had fewer problems breathing and isn’t on any medications. I’m amazing how easy it was to fix the problem without medication.”

“When I started at Answers! I had lower back pain caused by pregnancy. This condition severely affected my life; I couldn’t stand without pain or stay in any position for very long. After receiving care at Answers! my lower back pain was drastically reduced during the rest of my pregnancy. I was able to care for my other three children and had much more energy. I have learned how crucial the nervous system is in relation with how the body functions. The labor for my forth child was my easiest one and I am convinced that's because of the care I received at Answers!”

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