Answers! has a team of very talented medical professionals that treat the underlying cause of an illness rather than just the symptoms. Answers! knows that understanding the three T’s – traumas, toxins, and thoughts – is essential to uncovering how a healthy body becomes ill suddenly or over time. Unlike many other practices, patients who choose Answers! will benefit from individualized care and extensive face-to-face communications with the doctor. The doctors at Answers! have been trained in a variety of specialties and know that the body is more than just the sum of its parts.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Your Daily Activities Could be the Cause

Do you...
Slump in your chair?
Drive for more that 20 min?
Look down while reading?
Sit at the computer for long periods of time?
Sit on the couch/over-sized chair and watch TV?
For women- do you wear your purse on one side only?
For kids - do you wear a backpack?

If you answered yes to any of these – your daily actives could be promoting poor posture.

Why is your posture important? You spine houses the spinal cord which carries energy from your brain to the rest of your body. If your posture is “off” that energy is unable to flow to the vital organs which leads to disease. For example: if the energy is shut down in your neck you may find yourself suffering with allergies, thyroid problems or hormone imbalances. If the energy is shut down in mid back you may have problems breathing, numbness/tingling in your hands or heartburn/indigestion. Finally, if the nerves are shut down in your lower back you may have digestive problems, sexual dysfunction or problems into your legs.

Being in any position for more than 20 minutes continually allows the tendons and liniments to relax allowing for possible shifts in your posture over time.

Take charge of your health by paying attention to those daily activities that could be contributing to the increase or decrease of your overall health.

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